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Jiwon Kim

Part 1

Direction: Describe at least three common themes that you identified with links to the pages of other students showing these common elements.

Common media interests

Common issues

Common reasons for taking the course

Part 2

Direction: How would you revise your media categorization based on what you read? What would you add to your hierarchy of media or describe as issues that you did not identify in your first assignment?

Most students categorized their media consumption in two steps; first categorizing the media based on the presentation method such as visual, audio, and text, then subsequently dividing the type of media formats such as movies, music, games, emails, etc.

On the other hand, I used ten types of media formats (academic papers, books, film/TV series, games, livestream, music, news articles, pictures/drawings, social media, and YouTube) to categorize all of my media consumption without using a two-step hierarchy. If I revise my media consumption, it would look like the following: